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Malcolm W Hall Properties, Malcolm W Hall
lawyer |811103-Attorneys
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (405)787-3030
444 N Rockwell Ave, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73127-6119
Business Name:Malcolm W Hall Properties
Contact Person:Malcolm W Hall
Address:444 N Rockwell Ave
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73127-6119
Office Phone:(405)787-3030
Office Fax:-
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Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:15
Industrial Classification(SIC):811103-Attorneys

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Customer Reviews

- The owner Of The Properties Is Self Serving - - Paul Rogers - 3/11/2022 - comment
MJH Properties LLC has 10s and 10s of properties, and too understaffed to properly manage the properties. The owner of the properties is self serving to the point he neglects his properties and renters. He doesn't care how the exterior of the majority of the properties makes communities look. Through his unique outlook of money he doesn't want to pay much money if any for anything or to anyone if he feels it does not serve himself. He's very manipulative and manipulates people of varied statuses using various tactics to help him with renter conflicts which entails various strategies, he sometimes omits facts or fabricates renter conflict facts to his aides which could cause their involvement to wind them up in legal trouble as the owner is well aware but doesn't care because it serves himself. When he has his repair workers involve themselves in renter conflicts he will eventually fire the worker(s) or run them off because they've bared witness to his willingness to behave unethically and unprofessionally. The owner will lie to anyone anywhere concerning renter conflicts, the owner will lie about anything,to anyone, anywhere. His in-house repair workers typically have a background, he mostly gravitates to repair workers with backgrounds this doesn't always mean the workers themselves lack honor. If there are renters he doesn't feel comfortable telling them their account is more past due than what he's willing to work with he sometimes comes up with ways to attempt to run them off.

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The office address of Malcolm W Hall Properties is 444 N Rockwell Ave Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Malcolm W Hall is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Malcolm W Hall Properties at (405)787-3030 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Malcolm W Hall know that you know the business and get the phone number from myMoneyPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Malcolm W Hall Properties is 811103-Attorneys.

Its estimated number of employees is 15. Its office number is (405)787-3030. . Malcolm W Hall Properties does not have a web site in our record.

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1. AAA Accident & Advocacy Law,
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2. Abel Musser Sokolosky Mares, Ed Abel
Call Ed Abel now: (405)239-7046
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3. Abel Law Firm,
Call now: (405)843-3476
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4. Abowitz Timberlake & Dahnke, Murray Abowitz
Call Murray Abowitz now: (405)236-4645
105 N Hudson Ave # 10 Oklahoma City, OK 73102-4805
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5. Adams & Associates, R Scott Adams
Call R Scott Adams now: (405)232-9100
204 N Robinson Ave # 25 Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6803
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