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Successful Management Corp, Susan Edelstein
Property Manager |653108 - Real Estate Management
(2 ratings, 2 comments)
Phone: (718) 627-1557
1324 E 15th St, Brooklyn, New York 11230
Business Name:Successful Management Corp
Contact Person:Susan Edelstein
Address:1324 E 15th St
Brooklyn, New York 11230
Office Phone:(718) 627-1557
Office Fax:(718) 627-4600
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:8
Industrial Classification(SIC):653108 - Real Estate Management
Occupation:Property Manager

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Customer Reviews

- Susan Edelstein is the biggest problem with this company - - Anonymous user - 2/12/2019 - comment
She refuses to have any maintenance work done on the apartments, refuses to take calls, refuses to assist in any way, is extremely rude, and refuses to even let you talk when you have any questions. Others in the company are at least somewhat helpful.

- HORRIBLY FRUSTRATING MANAGEMENT COMPANY - - Anonymous user - 1/11/2017 - comment
This is the worst apartment management I have encountered in my 8 years in New York City. They are unresponsive, unreachable and extremely rude. The front door at gate are often broken so they are unlocked and anyone can access our building. They do not have any email address and when you call it rings for 5 minutes before the line goes dead - they don't even have voice mail. When they do answer the phone they are the rudest most unprofessional people I have ever encountered. The washer/dryers are always broken.

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The office address of Successful Management Corp is 1324 E 15th St Brooklyn, New York. Susan Edelstein is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Successful Management Corp at (718) 627-1557 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Susan Edelstein know that you know the business and get the phone number from myMoneyPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Successful Management Corp is 653108 - Real Estate Management. Property management is the operation of commercial, industrial and/or residential real estate. Property Management is also the management of personal property, equipment, tooling and physical capital assets that are acquired and used to build, repair and maintain end item deliverables.

Its estimated number of employees is 8. Its office number is (718) 627-1557. Its fax number is (718) 627-4600. Successful Management Corp does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more property managers near Brooklyn, New York before choosing your Property Manager. Following are some property managers in the state of New York we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Abeco Management Corp, Abe Betesh
Call Abe Betesh now: (718) 265-1200
114 Avenue T Brooklyn, NY 11223
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Brooklyn, NY
2. 718 Properties Inc, Abe Sigman
Call Abe Sigman now: (718) 369-1500
707 5th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11215
(718) 369-1500
Brooklyn, NY
3. USA Home Financial LLC, Abe Schiff
Call Abe Schiff now: (718) 599-7000
420 Broadway Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 599-7000
Brooklyn, NY
4. U S Realty Management Corp, Abraham Hoffman
Call Abraham Hoffman now: (718) 963-4499
79 Lorimer St Brooklyn, NY 11206
(718) 963-4499
Brooklyn, NY
5. Bradshaw Management Associates Inc, Adam Huerhan
Call Adam Huerhan now: (718) 266-1110
501 Surf Ave # 1 Brooklyn, NY 11224
(718) 266-1110
Brooklyn, NY

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