Keller N Jadd, Rick Keller
Property Manager |653108 - Real Estate Management
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (702) 215-4022
2445 W Horizon Rdg Pkwy # 100, Henderson, Nevada 89052
Business Name:Keller N Jadd
Contact Person:Rick Keller
Address:2445 W Horizon Rdg Pkwy # 100
Henderson, Nevada 89052
Office Phone:(702) 215-4022
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:7
Industrial Classification(SIC):653108 - Real Estate Management
Occupation:Property Manager

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Customer Reviews

- Horrible Business - - Anonymous user - 12/26/2013 - comment
Keller n’ Jadd DO NOT RENT OR BUY FROM KELLER N JADD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will tell you in complete detail of how Keller N Jadd f*cked us! So my brother in law recommended us to them because he did business with them. Got us a rental house at an ok rate. We lived there for 2 years. One month we accidently paid the rent twice. It turned into this whole ordeal and we were classified as a “problem rental”. Never received good customer service. And since the staff has no manners, we were always sh*t on when we had a problem. So while we lived there, the customer service was always late. Dishwasher broke or the washing machine broke, fixed but fixed later when it was convenient for them. My brother in law told me a story of how a bunch of strippers lived at one of their properties and destroyed it. Paint, holes in the wall, trash, you name it, they did it. They received their entire deposit back?!? We moved out and I got a huge bill in the mail. $1300 in total so our $1100 deposit was gone. I had my brother in law contact the owner 3 times. Guess what? He never responded….typical! I know that this is drawn out, but whatever I can do to help people choose where to live and avoid Keller N Jadd at all cost…I’m will to do a lot. BTW, I didn’t want to pay the $190.00, so I didn’t. They sent me to collections. I then paid because I want my credit rating to not be affected. This is the next best thing. I guarantee if you rent or buy from them you will write a similar review in the end!!!! Have a great day! DO NOT RENT OR BUY FROM KELLER N JADD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The office address of Keller N Jadd is 2445 W Horizon Rdg Pkwy # 100 Henderson, Nevada. Rick Keller is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Keller N Jadd at (702) 215-4022 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Rick Keller know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Keller N Jadd is 653108 - Real Estate Management. Property management is the operation of commercial, industrial and/or residential real estate. Property Management is also the management of personal property, equipment, tooling and physical capital assets that are acquired and used to build, repair and maintain end item deliverables.

Its estimated number of employees is 7. Its office number is (702) 215-4022. . Keller N Jadd does not have a web site in our record.

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1. Premier Property Management, Bob Page
Call Bob Page now: (702) 938-1300
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2. Centurion Management Services, Breese Rusk
Call Breese Rusk now: (702) 435-7368
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3. Excellence Community Mgmt LLC, Jamie Mc Cafferty
Call Jamie Mc Cafferty now: (702) 638-7770
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4. Mjm Properties, Jerry Bowser
Call Jerry Bowser now: (702) 528-0441
PO Box 92692 Henderson, NV 89009
(702) 528-0441
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5. B & R Property Management, Jo Mc Namara
Call Jo Mc Namara now: (702) 454-2561
PO Box 50025 Henderson, NV 89016
(702) 454-2561
Henderson, NV

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