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Atlantic Charter Insurance, Mike Fitzpatrick
Insurance Agent |641112 - Insurance
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (757) 431-0910
3014 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452
Business Name:Atlantic Charter Insurance
Contact Person:Mike Fitzpatrick
Address:3014 Virginia Beach Blvd
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452
Office Phone:(757) 431-0910
Office Fax:(757) 431-0191
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:5
Industrial Classification(SIC):641112 - Insurance
Occupation:Insurance Agent

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Customer Reviews

- Save Yourself the Grief - - Dale - 3/4/2013 - comment
Mike, the owner, seems very personable, however, his follow through is extremely poor. The rates are good, but I was never truly clear that we were actually covered as everything I received appeared to be a photo copy, not at all professional. It was very difficult to get follow through on our transactions for auto, home and umbrella insurance policies. After about two months of trying, I insisted on a meeting and was finally able to get things wrapped up...or so I thought. Two months later, our bank notified us that our check for the umbrella policy had never been cashed. I called to find out what had happened and Mike said he'd noticed that and planned to call me that week. Uh...right. Okay, so I put a stop on that check and sent another asking that he notify me when it arrived. He agreed to do so. Two weeks later, nothing. I called and got some story about how the check had been delivered next door and he had only just received it. Well, the story goes on with more promises, all broken. Six months into this, he still had not processed our check. So, I finally cancelled all our policies and moved us to a company that actually acts like they want our business. If Atlantic Charter was this difficult, imagine if we actually had a problem and needed to make a claim. YIKES! All in all, very scary.

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The office address of Atlantic Charter Insurance is 3014 Virginia Beach Blvd Virginia Beach, Virginia. Mike Fitzpatrick is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Atlantic Charter Insurance at (757) 431-0910 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Mike Fitzpatrick know that you know the business and get the phone number from myMoneyPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Atlantic Charter Insurance is 641112 - Insurance. An insurance agent, also known as insurance broker, sells, solicits, or negotiates insurance for compensation. Some brokers or agents specialize in one area of insurance like life, auto, death or health insurance. A bachelor degree is not required to become a licensed broker, but they have to complete continuing education coursework to maintain license.

Its estimated number of employees is 5. Its office number is (757) 431-0910. Its fax number is (757) 431-0191. Atlantic Charter Insurance does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more insurance agents near Virginia Beach, Virginia before choosing your Insurance Agent. Following are some insurance agents in the state of Virginia we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. A 900 Financial Ventures, Andy Shingledecker
Call Andy Shingledecker now: (757)498-1554
198 S Rosemont Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23452-4356
Virginia Beach, VA
2. AAA Insurance,
Call now: (757)233-3850
5366 Virginia Beach Blvd Virginia Beach, VA 23462-1828
Virginia Beach, VA
3. Aaron Salzberg & Sons,
Call now: (757)420-4204
Virginia Beach, VA 23464 0000
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4. Abbruzzo & Associates, Carlo Abbruzzo
Call Carlo Abbruzzo now: (757)491-3100
1072 Laskin Rd # 203 Virginia Beach, VA 23451-6370
Virginia Beach, VA
5. Access Insurance,
Call now: (757)431-3626
3962 Water Oak Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23452-2024
Virginia Beach, VA

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