Olympic Realty, Eugene Shenkar
Real Estate Company |653118 - Real Estate
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (415) 759-1040
3738 Irving St, San Francisco, California 94122
Business Name:Olympic Realty
Contact Person:Eugene Shenkar
Address:3738 Irving St
San Francisco, California 94122
Office Phone:(415) 759-1040
Office Fax:(415) 759-1495
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:5
Industrial Classification(SIC):653118 - Real Estate
Occupation:Real Estate Company

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Customer Reviews

- Awful experience with Mr. Shenkar - - Tommy - 2/24/2014 - comment
I visited an open home on Sunday February 23rd. 1704 Louvaine Drive, Daly City. My family and I have been actively searching for a home for us and our two wonderful babies. Upon entering the home, I was suto greeted by a woman who basically tossed the home profile paper in my hand. That was it. Mr. Shenkar could not speak, say hello or welcome?? Mind you, I’m coming from Church and dressed in a suit. There were about 15 other attendees in the home as he made a point to speak with them at great lengths. I passed it off as he was busy. I looked around the home just like the other potential buyers. I made it appoint to walk by him several times to make sure that I was mistaken. NOPE, was not! He didn't say a word to me. He continued to speak and greet all others that entered the home. I then knew he has a problem/issue with the color of my skin. No doubt about it. I addressed him as I was leaving and let him know this was not tolerable and I will be reaching out on social medial to inform all of this persons despicable disposition to people of color.

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The office address of Olympic Realty is 3738 Irving St San Francisco, California. Eugene Shenkar is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Olympic Realty at (415) 759-1040 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Eugene Shenkar know that you know the business and get the phone number from myMoneyPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Olympic Realty is 653118 - Real Estate. A real estate company is a company that invests in real estate for various purposes. A real estate operating company (REOC) reinvests its earnings into the business while a real estate investment trust (REIT) distributes profits to unit holders. Compared with REIT, REOCs are more flexible in choosing types of real estate investments, but often pays high corporate tax.

Its estimated number of employees is 5. Its office number is (415) 759-1040. Its fax number is (415) 759-1495. Olympic Realty does not have a web site in our record.

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4. Lowe Enterprises Inc, Andy Segal
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5. Fog Horn Realty, Angel Stoyanof
Call Angel Stoyanof now: (415) 447-0700
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