Castle MG, Joseph G Kisha
Property Manager |653108 - Real Estate Management
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (202) 610-2030
3040 Stanton Rd SE, Washington, District of Columbia 20020
Business Name:Castle MG
Contact Person:Joseph G Kisha
Address:3040 Stanton Rd SE
Washington, District of Columbia 20020
Office Phone:(202) 610-2030
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:4
Industrial Classification(SIC):653108 - Real Estate Management
Occupation:Property Manager

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Customer Reviews

- Ratched Ass Apartment Complex and Property Manager - - Disgusted Person - 1/24/2014 - comment
The complex is dirty, bed bugs infested and maintence is horrible the Don't get the job done when you put in maintence issues b/c they never have any supplies to fix your issue. The property manager and her boss don't cater to the tenants needs and they are stealing money from the property and the company. Don't go in the office if you have an issue with your apt. The property manager Mrs. Rodriguez is horrible when it comes to talking to the tenants and she will let her side kick Ms. Thomas tell the tenants that she is in a meeting just to NOT answer the tenants questions and or there needs. I would NOT recommend anyone not even a stray cat to live in this community (Stanton Glenn Apt) Forest Ridge Apt who is also run by the same people is NO better..If you come across these apt in your travel keeps going and don't look back.
     Anonymous user - 1/24/2014 - You need to investigate Aneek George and Angel Rodriguez. They are stealing funds from the company and the complex (using housing funds). They use the funds to get there own property (homes) fix and so forth. This isn't a joke. They need to get found out and when or if you do you really need to dig deep into your investigation you will be surprise what you may find out what has been going on with these two.

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The office address of Castle MG is 3040 Stanton Rd SE Washington, District of Columbia. Joseph G Kisha is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Castle MG at (202) 610-2030 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Joseph G Kisha know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Castle MG is 653108 - Real Estate Management. Property management is the operation of commercial, industrial and/or residential real estate. Property Management is also the management of personal property, equipment, tooling and physical capital assets that are acquired and used to build, repair and maintain end item deliverables.

Its estimated number of employees is 4. Its office number is (202) 610-2030. . Castle MG does not have a web site in our record.

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Call Alan Pressman now: (202) 667-2900
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