Tri-Star Appraisal Co, Joseph Kwon
Property Appraiser |653116 - Real Estate Appraisers
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (213) 365-9321
3932 Wilshire Blvd # 311, Los Angeles, California 90010
Business Name:Tri-Star Appraisal Co
Contact Person:Joseph Kwon
Address:3932 Wilshire Blvd # 311
Los Angeles, California 90010
Office Phone:(213) 365-9321
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:3
Industrial Classification(SIC):653116 - Real Estate Appraisers
Occupation:Property Appraiser

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Customer Reviews

- Joseph kwon is terrible at his job - - Sascha gast - 2/7/2013 - comment
Over the past 12 years i've been through many appraisals, so far, all of them were very good and also friendly, not so Joseph Kwon. He was very cold, unfriendly and rude. I have never felt uncomfortable in my own home. Up until he showed up to appraise my house. The comps he pulled were not even closely relevant to the market my house is in. I had my house appraised just 3 weeks prior and Mr. Knwon came in $170,000 less than the previous appraisal. Frankly i don't care because my mortgage broker will take care of everything anyway. But his personality and the way he almost ignored my girlfriend and me was a disgrace. Let alone trying to tell him about recent improvements i had done to my house. Bottom line, he's terrible at his job, his aprraisal is useless and i hope nobody uses him in the future.

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The office address of Tri-Star Appraisal Co is 3932 Wilshire Blvd # 311 Los Angeles, California. Joseph Kwon is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Tri-Star Appraisal Co at (213) 365-9321 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Joseph Kwon know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Tri-Star Appraisal Co is 653116 - Real Estate Appraisers. An property appraiser estimates the value of real property, for purposes such as to assess property tax, determine a sales price, or determine the amount of a mortgage that might be granted on a property. They usually must be licensed or certified, have at least an associate degree. In 2010, the median annual salary for property appraisers was about 48,000.

Its estimated number of employees is 3. Its office number is (213) 365-9321. . Tri-Star Appraisal Co does not have a web site in our record.

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1. MIC Management Services, Abdi Minusepehr
Call Abdi Minusepehr now: (310) 474-4177
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2. Countywide Real Estate Apprsrs, Antonio Martires
Call Antonio Martires now: (323) 258-3828
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3. ACN Appraisal Services, Arthur Carvalho
Call Arthur Carvalho now: (310) 559-1221
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4. Poe Boyy, Boyy Poe
Call Boyy Poe now: (323) 756-3575
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5. Charles W Hanne Real Estate, Charles W Hanne
Call Charles W Hanne now: (323) 258-0871
5840 Benner St # 106 Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 258-0871
Los Angeles, CA

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