Martindale Assoc, Drew Martindale
Property Appraiser |653116 - Real Estate Appraisers
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Phone: (641) 684-5991
118 W 3rd St, Ottumwa, Iowa 52501
Business Name:Martindale Assoc
Contact Person:Drew Martindale
Address:118 W 3rd St
Ottumwa, Iowa 52501
Office Phone:(641) 684-5991
Office Fax:(641) 682-8222
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:3
Industrial Classification(SIC):653116 - Real Estate Appraisers
Occupation:Property Appraiser

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The office address of Martindale Assoc is 118 W 3rd St Ottumwa, Iowa. Drew Martindale is the owner or official contact person(Manager). Please call Martindale Associates at (641) 684-5991 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Drew Martindale know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Martindale Assoc is 653116 - Real Estate Appraisers. An property appraiser estimates the value of real property, for purposes such as to assess property tax, determine a sales price, or determine the amount of a mortgage that might be granted on a property. They usually must be licensed or certified, have at least an associate degree. In 2010, the median annual salary for property appraisers was about 48,000.

Its estimated number of employees is 3. Its office number is (641) 684-5991. Its fax number is (641) 682-8222. Martindale Assoc does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more property appraisers near Ottumwa, Iowa before choosing your Property Appraiser. Following are some property appraisers in the state of Iowa we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Crane & Associates Realtors, Bob Crane
Call Bob Crane now: (319) 354-4100
916 Maiden Ln Iowa City, IA 52240
Distance: 62.26 miles
(319) 354-4100
Iowa City, IA
2. Mrs Appraisals, Cynthia Severs
Call Cynthia Severs now: (319) 358-7827
465 Highway 1 W # 200 Iowa City, IA 52246
Distance: 62.26 miles
(319) 358-7827
Iowa City, IA
3. Hayes Appraisal Associates Inc, Greg Kaltenheuser
Call Greg Kaltenheuser now: (319) 354-5184
325 E 3rd St # 1 Iowa City, IA 52240
Distance: 62.26 miles
(319) 354-5184
Iowa City, IA
4. Kleinsmith Residential Apprsls, Hal Kleinsmith
Call Hal Kleinsmith now: (319) 358-7828
465 Highway 1 W # 200 Iowa City, IA 52246
Distance: 62.26 miles
(319) 358-7828
Iowa City, IA
5. Cook Appraisal Inc, Kyran Cook
Call Kyran Cook now: (319) 351-2044
1580 Mall Dr Iowa City, IA 52240
Distance: 62.26 miles
(319) 351-2044
Iowa City, IA

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