Home > Property Appraiser > West Virginia > Huntington > David R Given Real Estate Co

David R Given Real Estate Co, David R Given
Property Appraiser |653116 - Real Estate Appraisers
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Phone: (304) 522-4800
819 6th Ave # 201, Huntington, West Virginia 25701
Business Name:David R Given Real Estate Co
Contact Person:David R Given
Address:819 6th Ave # 201
Huntington, West Virginia 25701
Office Phone:(304) 522-4800
Office Fax:(304) 522-4800
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:3
Industrial Classification(SIC):653116 - Real Estate Appraisers
Occupation:Property Appraiser

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The office address of David R Given Real Estate Co is 819 6th Ave # 201 Huntington, West Virginia. David R Given is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call David R Given Real Estate Co at (304) 522-4800 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let David R Given know that you know the business and get the phone number from myMoneyPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of David R Given Real Estate Co is 653116 - Real Estate Appraisers. An property appraiser estimates the value of real property, for purposes such as to assess property tax, determine a sales price, or determine the amount of a mortgage that might be granted on a property. They usually must be licensed or certified, have at least an associate degree. In 2010, the median annual salary for property appraisers was about 48,000.

Its estimated number of employees is 3. Its office number is (304) 522-4800. Its fax number is (304) 522-4800. David R Given Real Estate Co does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more property appraisers near Huntington, West Virginia before choosing your Property Appraiser. Following are some property appraisers in the state of West Virginia we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Premier Appraisal Services, Jeremy Kimble
Call Jeremy Kimble now: (304) 522-8799
1304 10th Ave Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 522-8799
Huntington, WV
2. Smith Appraisals, Mary Jane Smith
Call Mary Jane Smith now: (304) 429-0000
525 Sherwood Dr Huntington, WV 25704
(304) 429-0000
Huntington, WV
3. Rolston & Co, Darrell Rolston
Call Darrell Rolston now: (304) 345-0500
405 Pennsylvania Ave Charleston, WV 25302
Distance: 44.04 miles
(304) 345-0500
Charleston, WV
4. Midkiff Appraisal Services, Clara Midkiff
Call Clara Midkiff now: (304) 346-1566
723 Kanawha Blvd E # 1008 Charleston, WV 25301
Distance: 44.04 miles
(304) 346-1566
Charleston, WV
5. Dawson & Associates, Dean E Dawson
Call Dean E Dawson now: (304) 343-4741
PO Box 4371 Charleston, WV 25364
Distance: 44.04 miles
(304) 343-4741
Charleston, WV

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