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De Capua Law Offices, Pacifico M De Capua Jr
Lawyer |811103-Attorneys
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Phone: (508)473-7240
57 Jefferson St, Milford, Massachusetts 01757-3440
Business Name:De Capua Law Offices
Contact Person:Pacifico M De Capua Jr
Address:57 Jefferson St
Milford, Massachusetts 01757-3440
Office Phone:(508)473-7240
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:www.decapualaw.com
Estimated Staff:4
Industrial Classification(SIC):811103-Attorneys

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The office address of De Capua Law Offices is 57 Jefferson St Milford, Massachusetts. Pacifico M De Capua Jr is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call De Capua Law Offices at (508)473-7240 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Pacifico M De Capua Jr know that you know the business and get the phone number from myMoneyPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of De Capua Law Offices is 811103-Attorneys. A law firm is a business entity formed by one or more lawyers to engage in the practice of law. The primary service provided by a law firm is to advise clients (individuals or corporations) about their legal rights and responsibilities, and to represent their clients in civil or criminal cases, business transactions and other matters in which legal assistance is sought.

Its estimated number of employees is 4. Its office number is (508)473-7240. . De Capua Law Offices has a web site at www.decapualaw.com.

You should talk to more lawyers near Milford, Massachusetts before choosing your Lawyer. Following are some lawyers in the state of Massachusetts we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Alavi & Braza Law Offices, Ali Alavi
Call Ali Alavi now: (508)473-0511
189 Main St Milford, MA 01757-2627
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2. R Arlen Johnson, R Arlen Johnson
Call R Arlen Johnson now: (508)473-7600
50 Congress St Milford, MA 01757-2070
Milford, MA
3. Barry J Astukewicz, Barry J Astukewicz
Call Barry J Astukewicz now: (508)478-6164
288 Main St Milford, MA 01757-2521
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4. Burkinshaw Law Offices, Matthew Burkinshaw
Call Matthew Burkinshaw now: (508)478-7800
291 Main St Milford, MA 01757-2526
Milford, MA
5. Consigli & Brucato, Charles J Brucato Jr
Call Charles J Brucato Jr now: (508)478-2054
189 Main St # 3 Milford, MA 01757-2627
Milford, MA

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