Compass Consulting, Peter Goerlitz
Insurance Agent |641112 - Insurance
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (206) 442-1111
1201 1st Ave S, Seattle, Washington 98134
Business Name:Compass Consulting
Contact Person:Peter Goerlitz
Address:1201 1st Ave S
Seattle, Washington 98134
Office Phone:(206) 442-1111
Office Fax:(206) 264-0680
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:5
Industrial Classification(SIC):641112 - Insurance
Occupation:Insurance Agent

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Customer Reviews

- Lazy and Self-Serving - - Robert Dunbabin - 4/3/2014 - comment
We run a 20+ employee company and working with Mr. Goerlitz has been a nightmare. When Mr. Goerlitz called this year, a little before the renewal deadline, I informed him that the employees and I were greatly dissatisfied with our plan with the HMO network we were in, and that we wanted a more robust insurance plan with a HSA (health savings account) feature. Well Mr. Goerlitz wasn’t available for a few days then, and refused to send us the options on alternative plans, until early evening on the night before we were scheduled to meet. When I called Mr. Goerlitz the day after our meeting, he informed me that it would not be possible switch plans to what I selected, as the deadline to do so passed upon the day that Mr. Goerlitz had scheduled the meeting for. Mr. Goerlitz emailed us the renewal form for the HMO that we did not like and refused to communicate, later sending an angry letter of resignation. Well, I was forced to renew, for one month, but found another broker. The new broker informed me that Goerlitz’s Compass Consulting earned a 5% commission with the HMO but would only earn a 4% commission with a HSA account with the company that I wanted. This new broker sent us comparisons a week prior to our meeting. When Mr. Goerlitz discovered that I had accepted his resignation and removed him from our renewal, he twice emailed me with policy information that met my previous request. Mr. Goerlitz seems burnt out. Companies would do well to avoid doing business with this man.

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The office address of Compass Consulting is 1201 1st Ave S Seattle, Washington. Peter Goerlitz is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Compass Consulting at (206) 442-1111 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Peter Goerlitz know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Compass Consulting is 641112 - Insurance. An insurance agent, also known as insurance broker, sells, solicits, or negotiates insurance for compensation. Some brokers or agents specialize in one area of insurance like life, auto, death or health insurance. A bachelor degree is not required to become a licensed broker, but they have to complete continuing education coursework to maintain license.

Its estimated number of employees is 5. Its office number is (206) 442-1111. Its fax number is (206) 264-0680. Compass Consulting does not have a web site in our record.

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