King Enterprises, Robert Kingsley
Insurance Adjuster |641102 - Insurance Adjusters
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (607) 722-1079
57 Front St, Binghamton, New York 13905
Business Name:King Enterprises
Contact Person:Robert Kingsley
Address:57 Front St
Binghamton, New York 13905
Office Phone:(607) 722-1079
Office Fax:(607) 231-2886
Office Email:-
Estimated Staff:3
Industrial Classification(SIC):641102 - Insurance Adjusters
Occupation:Insurance Adjuster

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Customer Reviews

- ACTS IN BAD FAITH - - Anonymous user - 6/22/2013 - comment
Mr. Kingsley acts for the purpose of defrauding the policyholder out of their rights under their auto insurance. To begin with he gives the policyholder a bogus reason for not meeting the insured at the body shop that has already examined the damage to the vehicle. He promises the insured at their home, instead of the body shop, that he will speak to the body shop before writing an appraisal. He will not. Then, after faxing his appraisal to the body shop that is familiar with necessary repair and the body shop contacting him to point out the deficiencies in his appraisal, he refused to correct the appraisal. The body shop has to leave a detailed message on his answering machine to as much as communicate the deficiencies. He refuses to return the call and to correct his appraisal. Then, as if he hasn't lost all credibility at that point, he tells the insured that AFTER the work begins, IF there are deficiencies in his appraisal, he will then speak to the body shop. Another words, the insured should initiate a job that insured knows has not been approved by the insurer based on his appraisal, to pay for the repair in large part, or for the repair shop to not be paid. In the decades of owning a vehicle and dealing with insurance companies, never have I experienced commercial bad faith such as this company engages in. He works independently and is not an employee of an insurance company. Should your carrier attempt to assign him to a claim, REFUSE to accept this assignment. You will lose hours in stressful back and forth with the repair shop and carrier, as his purpose becomes clear to you. When confronted with it, he will not respond. He also takes positions that are not plausible. He knowingly lies to the insured. His appraisal will be rejected after time and energy is squandered and the claim process has to start again.
     Bob Kingsley - 11/12/2013 - I am Bob Kingsley, the owner of King Enterprises and unlike anonymous, lying cowards who post libelous words and then hide behind them, I happily stand in front of my words. We have been in this business for 35 years. If we acted in the manner in which this libelous, anonymous coward states, we would not have survived this long, so please, take what this low-life has to say with a grain of salt. We service many insurance carriers and we pride ourselves in dealing honestly, fairly and in a forthright manner with everyone in the equation when it comes tome to promptly and fairly settling an insurance claim. We inspect vehicles at the pleasure of the schedule and location of the vehicle owner, no one else. NYS law and regulation require us to arrive at an agreed upon price with the repair facility the vehicle owner chooses. What the cowardly writer claims we are doing is impossible to be happening and us to still have any clients. Many times when the 1% of bad actors get caught defrauding insurance carriers, they lash out against those of us who have caught them in the past. Cowardly, price-gouging thieves who make their livings fleecing insurance carriers give the 99% of good, honest, hard-working shops a bad name and I am glad to work with you all. For the sake of the reputation of this industry, it is up to you folks in the business to police these bad actors so they don't continue to taint you all with their bad reputations. You know who these folks are and so do I. Cowards act in the dark, hiding their identity. I am proud of my business, my work and my reputation.

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The office address of King Enterprises is 57 Front St Binghamton, New York. Robert Kingsley is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call King Enterprises at (607) 722-1079 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Robert Kingsley know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of King Enterprises is 641102 - Insurance Adjusters. An insurance adjuster is a person engages in the business of making an investigation for the purpose of obtaining information in the course of adjusting or participating in the disposal of any claim in connection with a policy of insurance. They can also engages in soliciting insurance adjustment business. They must be at least 18 years old and obtain license from the state.

Its estimated number of employees is 3. Its office number is (607) 722-1079. Its fax number is (607) 231-2886. King Enterprises has a web site at

You should talk to more insurance adjusters near Binghamton, New York before choosing your Insurance Adjuster. Following are some insurance adjusters in the state of New York we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. GAB Robins, David Schede
Call David Schede now: (607) 722-4244
33 W State St # 213 Binghamton, NY 13901
(607) 722-4244
Binghamton, NY
2. John M Dorner Adjustment Co, Patrick Dorner
Call Patrick Dorner now: (607) 770-7987
PO Box 24 Binghamton, NY 13905
(607) 770-7987
Binghamton, NY
3. J J Sheehan Adjusters Inc, Jack Sheehan
Call Jack Sheehan now: (607) 723-7802
70 Front St Binghamton, NY 13905
(607) 723-7802
Binghamton, NY
4. Arbitrage Adjusting Services Inc, Russell Brown
Call Russell Brown now: (607) 754-5100
441 E Benita Blvd Vestal, NY 13850
Distance: 8.44 miles
(607) 754-5100
Vestal, NY
5. Southern Ny Claim Services, James F Vandeusen
Call James F Vandeusen now: (607) 432-5015
1 Walling Ave Oneonta, NY 13820
Distance: 50.65 miles
(607) 432-5015
Oneonta, NY

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