Van Blake's Inc, Lynne Van Blake
Accountant |872101 - Accountants
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (405) 947-4737
3300 NW 23rd St, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73107
Business Name:Van Blake's Inc
Contact Person:Lynne Van Blake
Address:3300 NW 23rd St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73107
Office Phone:(405) 947-4737
Office Fax:(405) 946-7377
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:6
Industrial Classification(SIC):872101 - Accountants

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Customer Reviews

- DO NOT USE - - A. BAKER - 6/29/2013 - comment
DO NOT USE THIS UNPROFESSIONAL AND DISORGANIZED ACCOUNTANT. We met with her in Feb. and provided all our documents. She does not return phone calls or emails. Our tax returns were not ready to be filed until the 2nd week of April, despite the fact we had two state returns from previous years that needed to be filed before federal. We then were forced to pay for an extension. When we were able to file, it was 10 days before they called to tell me that someone had already claimed my child. Then the receptionist told me my son's identity had been stolen! In truth, they screwed up a number and finally got the return to go through two weeks after it was supposed to be filed. Now I've found out that in spite of giving her a deposit slip with our account information, our refund has been mailed to us. I've complained, but no one cares.

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The office address of Van Blake's Inc is 3300 NW 23rd St Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Lynne Van Blake is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Van Blake's Inc at (405) 947-4737 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Lynne Van Blake know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Van Blake's Inc is 872101 - Accountants. Accountants prepare and examine financial reports, ensure financial records are accurate and taxes are paid on time properly. They also assess financial operations and work to help business run efficiently. Accountants usually have a bachelor’s degree related to accounting. Many of them become Certified Public Accountants(CPAs). In 2010, their median pay is about $62,000.

Its estimated number of employees is 6. Its office number is (405) 947-4737. Its fax number is (405) 946-7377. Van Blake's Inc does not have a web site in our record.

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3. A M Accounting,
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4. Accounting Computerized Service, Houshang Scradge
Call Houshang Scradge now: (405)631-7255
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5. A 1 Accounting & Tax Service,
Call now: (405)741-1003
6801 E Reno Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73110-2169
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